Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Would you like to be the next maytag repairman ? Here is the addy for the website:

I think that would be a neat gig.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I've been sitting here watching the Law and Order version of the Jon Benet Ramsey case starring Amber Lee. Of course the Jon Benet case haunts me as it does most people I believe. I got banned from Websleuths because I refused to go along with the crowd there.They believe Jon Benet was killed by John and/or Patsy Ramsey and are so vicious they want to punish anybody who disagrees. Sad but true. I don't care about Websleuths. They're so narrow minded and intolerant there I don't want to be there. I guess in the final analysis it shows how emotional people feel about Jon Benet. She's sort of America's dream child. Would she have been a big star ? I don't know. I hope we know the truth someday. Her tragedy has touched so many lives the truth is the only thing that can heal the wounds her death has caused.

Of course we have our own unsolved murder here in Knoxville, the Johnia Berry murder case.I wonder if the new Sheriff will actually try to solve it.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Look at this story:

Now look at the police officer's face....


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Do you believe in psychics ? Apparently a psychic told one of the parents of one of those missing boys out of Mo that the boy was dead. So the so-called psychic was mistaken. Does this mean all psychics are phonies ? I don't believe in them. Sure, they are right sometimes. But nobody has any psychic power.Any real magic. No one has a gift from God like we can read about in the Bible.The spirit of divination.Anything like that.I don't believe God would allow a mere human, with all of our flaws, to have that kind of power. So it's a mistake to depend on a psychic to find a missing person , a killer, or for anything else. Not pointing the finger at anyone specifically.Just I wouldn't depend on a psychic to solve my problems.
I sent an email to the Jersey City New Jersey police about Christine.I hope they respond.I never got a response from the New Jersey state police. So I'll give the Jersey City cops a chance to respond.If I hear nothing from them I 'm writing the New Jersey Attorney General.
What's your favorite song ?

I have several. Linkin Parks' The End and Numb. David Bowie's Fame and Golden Years. Lynard Skynard's Freebird, Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams, the Elton John and George Michael duet of Don't Let the Sun Go Down on me...there are so many. Most of them sad songs because.."sad songs mean so much"..and yes that's another of my favorites as well. I use to have several of them on my computer, on cds or tapes and I would listen to them when I was home alone or in the car and cry my eyes out. In the last year or two , thanks to my computer crashing and my tapes and cds being lost/misplaced or tearing up I don't have those songs anymore but I feel the need to get them again. To listen to them again. Maybe I'll go up to the disc exchange or cats and try to get them.

There's a new test for rheumatoid arthritis.Here's the an addy with information about it:

As there are several other medical conditions and diseases that mimic RA and would show up as positive on the old RA tests the specificity of this new test should improve the reliability of the diagnosis of the disease. Something for all you arthritis sufferers to cheer about.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Fallen Angel.....
It's my favorate flash movie, although it's a teaser.The first episode hasn't been completed yet.

Here's is the Newgrounds addy:

A very violent piece of work. If you go to the fallen angel website and read the writer's comments it is suppose to take place after a nuclear war. Do you believe a post nuclear war scenario could actually happen, where civilization has broken down and people are literally at each other's throats ? I do. Maybe I've watched too many of those kinds of movies. Read too many of those kinds of books. Of course there are people out there, survivalists, who want that kind of thing to happen. It would be their dream. All that death and destruction. They imagine they could rebuild some sort of fascist state, a Fourth Reich ala Hitler in its place. They're fools.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sleepless on a Sunday night...

It's 1am on a Monday morning and here I am writing. I've been watching Dr G Medical Examiner. I like Dr G. Of course there's been a flurry of medical examiner shows. Our own medical examiner here in Knox County, Dr Sandra Elkins got involved in that sort of thing.She got sued.Her boss in Nashville got sued for something similar.Using the bodies of the dead without their families' permission.I don't know who paid off the families. Whether it was the doc, the State of TN, or her employers since she is also a LABCORP employee.Plus she teaches classes for the University of TN. At least that is what I have heard and read. I wonder how she has the time to do all of that. She must be a very busy person.

Of course I am busy.I sent in my application to become a community columnist for the News Sentinel.I hope I am selected. It would be something different for me. Another way to make a living.
What I don't know is whether I still have the intensity to do that sort of thing. My anger is what has been driving me. I believe it feeds my writing.I feel inspired to write when I am angry.Now I feel my intensity starting to fade. I am getting burned out. I am old, fat and tired. I am despondent. So what can I do to revive my intensity ? Maybe if I am selected as a columnist where I know for sure people will be reading what I write that will inspire me.I hope that is the case. I wonder if I'll get a press pass and be able to go to special events and get/obtain interviews, seeing people I usually wouldn't get to see if I am selected.We shall see.

I went to the meeting friday night. It wasn't a surprise nobody from law enforcement came. They must be very embarrased and very insecure to make the excuse they made, that the publicity had hindered the investigation.It's funny because other law enforcement people say how much they need the help of the public in solving cases while the Sheriff apparently doesn't want any. It's a rather cowardly excuse they made. It's disgusting.
I wish I could solve the case.Maybe it would help me feel good about something.I haven't felt good about anything since Rose died. I don't know if I can ever feel good, but if I could solve this case maybe it would help. This isn't about the money for me.It's about ..redemption.I guess that's the only way I can describe it. Redemption.

I never did hear anything back from the NJ state police. I did a zabasearch and found someone in Jersey City, NJ with the same last name. Christine's last name. It's an unusual last name.So I am thinking of emailing the Jersey City police department and asking them to look into it.Maybe they will listen. If they would tell me she is ok I would be satisfied with that. She told me a lot of things in her emails.She has been through a lot. She deserves better. I wish I had had money so I could have helped Christine. I have this big heart but it's worthless to me. Absolutely worthless. It doesn't do me any good, despite all my good intentions.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Conspiracy theory....

Do you believe in conspiracy theories ? I remember the movie by the same name that starred Mel Gibson. He was the publisher of a magazine that espoused all sorts of wild conspiracy theories.What got him in trouble is that one of those theories turned out to be true.
Of course there are several conspiracy theories out there. There's the one about the assassination of Abrahm Lincoln.There was even a book written about that one several years back. If I remember correctly the late Robert Urich starred in a short lived tv show called the Lazarus Man that was about a Lincoln conspiracy. Conspiracies theories about the assassinations of JFK and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and other famous people from history exist.
Of course there was the tv show "THE X FILES". It was full of conspiracies. The truth is out there. On cable tv you watch the ufo shows that claims this is being kept from us or that is being kept from us. We know Area 51 really exists but the military denies that is does.It's so stupid for them to deny such an obvious fact.
I don't know if aliens exist or if the USAF has a dead alien or a flying saucer hidden somewhere.I don't really care if they do. I don't need to know every secret the Pentagon has. I don't think our military secrets need to be publicized in the news media.
What I do need to know if there were conspiracies to kill any of our leaders like JFK and Martin Luther King. I do need to know if there were conspiracies that got us into the war in Iraq. Those are the sort of conspiracy theories I need to know about. I need to know if they are just theories or are facts.
Do you believe in any conspiracy theories ?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What is a chimera ? If you check out Wikipedia online it says a chimera is a mythological monster made up of the parts of different creatures/animals. There are other definitions but most of them say pretty much the same.
Thanks to Atom Films I stumbled across the film Chimera made by DAVE'S SCHOOL. The film is based upon a comic strip.Here is the addy for it on youtube. I believe it's the best short film made by any amateur group.

To my surprise, while goggling the word chimera I came across something else, a bill that would prohibit the creation of human chimeras. Here is some of the information about it. The author of the bill is Senator Sam Brownback, a possible republican candidate for President.

and here is the current status of the bill:

It was referred to the Senate Judiciary committee.

I don't know what prompted Brownback to write this bill. With all the problems this country had why write a bill like this ?It's not like we're even close , in a scientific sense to doing anything like this. I guess Brownback was trying to come up with something pro-life in his view to get the attention of his conservative supporters. I am pro-life but I don't see any real purpose in taking up the time of our Congress with this legislation.
What do you think ? With the support for embronic stem cell research we are told is out there in the public, should we be concerned about creating new life forms.It's one thing to have research to find a cure for cancer and other diseases but should the research go beyond that ? Should any and all chimeras be banned ? Would you be disturbed by the creation of a dog-cat hybrid for example ? Would you want one as a pet ?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What makes a person a criminal ?I think it's worth discussing. I believe it's the person's mindset and their belief system. A person's race has nothing to do with it. So there are black criminals, white criminals, asian criminals, American-Indian and Australian aborigines who are criminals. Likewise you have victims of all races.So why the claim by some that the killing of the young couple here was a hate crime ? It wasn't. I believe it was simply a matter of greed and opprotunity.The young people were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The victims could have been of any race and their race was not a relevant factor in the minds of the perpertrators. It was they were there, alone and in a place where they could be taken hostage without anyone seeing it happen. The victims could have been black and it wouldn't have deterred the perpertrators.
I don't like all the racists coming out and saying hateful things about blacks because of this case.The case is tragic.My heart goes out to those young people who lost their lives and to their families.But to have the racists come out, like cockroaches coming out at night, is dishearteneing and discouraging. It shows how uneducated those people are. It shows, as MLK Day is here, that we have a very long way to go and conservatives who say that race is not a problem in this country are simply blind to reality.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What does that word mean ? I have heard it used so many times by ministers telling their congregations the end times were at hand. I think we all have heard it so much it's become like chicken little . The sky is falling and it's armageddon. Do you expect to see it in your lifetime ? I don't expect to see it in ours.I simply don't.I think we'll all be cozily and comfortably dead and buried when it happens. That's what I want.I don't want to be here and see it happen. Who wants to see millions die in nuclear/biological/ or chemical attacks ? Who wants to see it happen in this country ? Who wants to see it on CNN, Fox, and the networks ? I don't. I use to be a big science fiction fan. I saw all the old 50's and 60's end of the world flicks on a local movie hour called "THE BIG SHOW" that ran on the cbs affiliate in Nashvile when I was growing up. Nuclear war and devastation. I read as many end of the world novels as I could. Because of my job I am familiar with the effects of those agents..chemical, biological and nuclear...on the human body.So I don't want to see it.I believe we are closer to it happening. Because of AL QUEDA..and because of George W. Bush.We are closer to the end. But we're not quite there yet.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What is evil ? I don't know what it is. Can you tell me what it is ? I know it when I see it. I know it because of the way I was brought up to recognize it when I see it. My father was a deacon in the Baptist church. So I went to church every Sunday, read my bible and I was taught what evil deeds were.What evil people did. But evil wasn't defined other than as something related to people or to Satan/Lucifer/the Devil.
I know the people who killed that young couple in East Knoxville are evil people. It bothers me that someone would take those young lives so callously. I don't have much faith in Tim Hutchinson.But I do have confidence in the KPD homicide investigators. They will find whoever did this.
My heart goes out to those families...I use to hear the phrase..whatever doesn't destroy you makes you stronger. Somehow misery is ok. No matter who dies.... no matter who you lose.Everything will be all right. If they were good and you are good...good being defined as fulfilling God's requirements as spelled out in the would see your lost loved ones in heaven someday. That's cold comfort.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Apparently Google likes me.They've agreed to put ads on this blog. I appreciate that. So please please please tell your friends.I need all the support I can get.

I never got to say goodbye.It reminds me of the old song..Never Can Say old Jackson 5 song...that Michael sang. I never got to say goodbye to Rose.Or to mom and dad. Or to anyone I ever cared about who passed away. I don't believe in ghosts.Or people who claim they can talk to them or see them. The Bible is full of stories about people talking to the dead...written long before the movie" The Sixth Sense". I can't see dead people.I can't talk to them.The Bible discourages us from doing that sort of thing.Suffer not a witch to live it says.But if there was a witch of Endor I would go pay her a visit. I would ask her to help me talk to Rose and to mom and dad.Simply because I never got to say goodbye. I would say all those things I never got to say. All the words I never got to speak. "I am sorry " I would say, because I feel all this guilt.All this pain. That I couldn't save them.That I didn't save them. Talking to my lost loved ones would be the one way...the only way I could achieve some measure of peace to my life.Nothing else would do.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

There is a 20 hr a week job advertised on the Knoxville News Sentinel website so I applied for that. Please wish me luck.We must have additional income.
I've tossed about other solutions in my head.Writing a book is one of them. I don't know if anybody would be interested in reading a book about me.It would be about the last years of my life. It certainly wouldn't be like one of those day at a time sweet Jesus sort of self help books you see on the shelves that sell so well. No. It would be a bleak very dark narrative filled with anger and despair. Hahahaha. But I would have to have something in it to make people want to buy it. I don't know what that would be. But I would have to find something to make it a success.It would have to be a success.

It has been a year since I have heard anything from Christine .Who is Christine ? She is an email pal of mine. I guess she's 19....possibly 20 by now and I am worried about her.You see, she told me in her last email that her stepfather had sexually assaulted her. I told her to go to the police. So nothing since. The problem is, she told me she was schizophrenic. There were times her doctors put her in the hospital for her schizophrenia. So I don't know if she was telling me the truth about the assault. I don't know if she is locked up in some mental hospital somewhere...or if she is the victim of foul play to prevent her from reporting her rape to the police. I know.I should have done something sooner. I know that. I know I have waited long enough.I will contact the NJ State Police. That is where she lives. If I don't get any response from them I will contact the TBI and go from there.

It's strange that crime has become such a part of my life. Sure, I grew up reading Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie and Martha Grimes but they weren't what I really cared to read about. Not what I felt passionately about. Never thought I would care that much or be so involved in real life crimes. I was really a science fiction fan. I went to science fiction conventions.I even met Stephen King once. I wrote science fiction and fantasy stories and shared them with pen pals I had back then.Way back then. Occasionally I would watch America's Most Wanted but I was not a big fan of the show. The crime magazines that use to dot the shelves are gone and have been gone for a very long time.I use to flick through the rare Alfred Hitchcock or Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine I would see at the bookstore or at the library, but I was not a big fan of those. My sister Linda was though. My Aunt Sam was. I guess it must be in the blood, if you'll pardon the pun.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I'm going to discuss a variety of things today. Some of them you may approve off..some of them you may not. I would welcome input from anyone as to how to proceed with this blog...and with my life.
Some of you know me.Some of you don't. My real name is Henry..some of you know me as Hank or Wolf or Angrywolf or Riki. Some of them are internet aliases of mine. The internet has been one of the few lifelines I have had in the last 5 years. One of the few refuges ..a place where I can go and let off steam..and find kindred spirits.
My wife was Rose..she died of a heart attack back in 2001.March 12th, 2001. My mom died of cancer in October 2001..Oct 6. My dad died of cancer when I was 17 years old and still in high school.
I suffer major depression from those events.I have been through support groups..therapy at a local mental health clinic..and I was a member of a widow/widower support group.None of that has helped.Yes I was on antidepressant pills....I've have been on three different combinations of pills on various occasions as prescribed by my doctor...but recently I stopped taking them. I feel they have made me too complacent...that they dealt too much with the symptoms I was having and not the issues. I believe , while under the influence of medication..I ignored certain issues that need to be addressed. So I stopped taking them.
So I suffered through a miserable Christmas and New Years. I have every since...I lost my loved ones back in 2001..but I didn't have my medication to assist me this time and it was very difficult. Plus we're in something of a financial I didn't have money to buy presents for anybody...not even for myself. I've never been a money grubber..someone preoccupied with making it or spending it. But I really needed it buy things to help me cope and this time I simply didn't have it. I blame myself for that..but I also blame D and her family..I 've spent all my resources taking care of them and now I have nothing left. She has made some very bad decisions as well....spending money on things she shouldn't have and tithing money away to the church when we needed it for other things. D cannot work because of her medical I am the only source of income we have. So I need to find other ways to make money.The pressure of that need has made my already difficult life even more difficult.
Who is D ? I prefer not to think of D as my wife..although we are married.I feel my wife..was Rose and Rose is dead.D is my help mate..someone I met who I thought would be helpful.I would help her and her family and she would help me. But it has been far too one-sided. I've had to give way too much and not received enough in return. Sometimes I think my sense of compassion will be my undoing and this may be it.I felt compassion for D and her I made it possible for them to come to this city.The grandchildren have grown and prospered.Her daughter has prospered. But I've had to spend all my savings taking care of them.Now I have nothing left. My family hasn't benefitted.My son acted stupid, quit school and moved out.Stupid. He lives with his girlfriend now.I had heard a rumor..she might be pregnant..and I was glad to find out from him when he came to visit Christmas that it wasn't true. As it is I am mortified they are living together.I don't want to slander/libel the poor young woman but to call her plain would be an understatement. Rose would turn over in her grave to know her son was living with that woman but there's nothing I can do.He's over 18 so it's his choice. At least he's still alive.Back when he was going to community college he wrecked two vehicles. He could very easily have been killed but escaped without a scratch. So God was looking out for him. Too bad God hasn't looked out for Rose, mom and dad.

The question of God.I went to middle TN and stood in the rain and the cold on New Years Day and cried at the graves of Rose and mom. I told my old pastor in middle TN that I believe God abandoned us.And I do.I do believe that. We're not suppose to question God but I do.I have no choice but to.Where was he the night of March 12, 2001 ? Where was he while my dad was lying in a coma in the hospital and my mom was moaning in pain in the hospital ? Nowhere to be found. There's nothing good about death.D tried to say that Rose might be better off, or mom and dad might be better off because they're no longer in pain. What nonsense. If they're dead they're quote the movie "Ben Hur". Yes they're dead, but there's nothing good about it.I suffer.My kids suffer.Our lives have been destroyed. Nothing is good anymore.

How do I cope ? I work. I have a decent job.Not great but decent. I work with fine people.That helps.I don't know what I would have done without my former coworkers at Aventis. I simply don't know. I work with a couple of them in my current job.They know my history,so their sympathy, warmth and compassion helps me make it through every day. My daughter helps me too. She has grown a lot the past year.And yes she does look like her mom.While that is painful it helps me to cope. Because I know Rose, mom and dad would want me to fight, to hang around and take care of her and of her brother, my son, if and when he needs me. So I get some of the strength I need from them.

I try to find other things to do. I am involved in helping the Berry supporting them in their hunt for Johnia's killer. D has made fun of my involvement in that. But I take it seriously. Not for the $70,000 in reward money.Of course I could use the money. But that's not my motivation. I use to read a lot of science fiction.Stuff about parallel and alternate universes.Some scientists believe those universes exist and some don't.But I would like to believe they exist. Because in some of them Rose, mom and dad still live.In some of them Johnia Berry lives and she and her fiancee marry and have kids.Who knows what her kids would do ? Who knows ?Maybe one of her kids developes a cure for cancer, or discovers ftl, faster than light drive and sends mankid to the stars.Who knows what her kids and grandkids and greatgrandchildren would have accomplished ? Now we know they will never have that opprotunity.Because they will never exist in this universe.Johnia's killer took that away from her, from her family and her fiancee and maybe from all the rest of us as well.