Tuesday, July 06, 2010

It's 2010 now.

Things haven't changed for the better.

The 4th of July came and went.

Nothing from J.
I guess he doesn't care about his old man very much.
I did tell him it was silly for him to want to quit his job in a recession and move to Fla with no job, no money, and not knowing anyone down there.Maybe he's mad at me about that.

Last December my mom and dad's house burned.My sisters had let the insurance lapse so there's no way to afford to rebuild it.

That house was my home. I could go back there and feel some measure of relief. I was planning to go back there for Christmas and hope I would feel better about things.
Now I don't even have that.
I don't have any money to help my sisters.
It's so bad and so frustrating I could scream.
I tell them to sell the property but they keep ignoring me.
I offered to let them come live with me.They prefer to live in a motel room.
I guess the county will eventually just take the land for unpaid taxes..and that will be the end of it.

D had bonchitis..that turned into pneumonia. I also have it but I am not going to the doctor.I'll survive.D is in the hospital.
Where she can stay a few days and let me have some peace without her.

I am glad to be back with my blog.I hope I can post more often.


Blogger Prabhu said...

hi Henry,
Are you doing fine? Just surfed in on your blog. I hope you're doing good and you will keep writing.


3:36 AM  

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